6 Must-Try Fat-Burning Workouts To Melt Your Menopause Belly

Looking for the best exercise to lose belly fat during menopause? You're not alone. During menopause, your body will experience many hormonal shifts that can lead to hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, mood changes and gaining extra weight. 

But don’t worry, because there are exercises specifically designed to target that pesky midsection and help you reclaim your pre-menopause weight. 

So, if you want to know how to lose belly fat during menopause, stay tuned because in this blog post, we'll explore six effective workouts that can help you shed the unwanted body fat and say goodbye to menopause belly for good.

Jumping Rope

Ready to take your fitness routine to new heights? Jumping rope might just be the answer. It's not just a childhood pastime – it's a full-body workout that can help you burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and sculpt your menopause belly into shape. 

So, why is jumping rope so effective? Well, for starters, it engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including your legs, core, and arms. Plus, it's a high-intensity cardio exercise that gets your heart pumping and your metabolism revved up, making it an efficient way to torch calories and shed unwanted fat.

But the benefits of jumping rope don't stop there. Not only does it help you burn calories and shed pounds, but it also boosts your endurance. 

By jumping rope regularly, you'll strengthen your heart and lungs, increase circulation, and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions. Plus, it's a fun and versatile workout that you can do practically anywhere, whether it's in your living room, backyard, or at the park.

Make sure you select the right rope – ideally, one that's the right length for your height and weight. Start with short intervals and gradually increase the duration as you build stamina and confidence.


If you're looking for a low-impact workout that delivers big weight loss results, pilates might be the best exercise to lose belly fat during menopause. Unlike traditional strength training exercises, pilates focuses on core strength, stability, and flexibility, making it perfect for women over 50 who want to tone their menopause belly without putting too much strain on their joints. 

Plus, it's a mind-body workout that emphasizes mindful movement and controlled breathing, helping you feel centered and balanced both physically and mentally. One of the biggest benefits of pilates is its ability to target and tone the abdominal muscles. 

By incorporating a series of controlled movements and exercises, pilates helps strengthen your core from the inside out, giving you a flatter, firmer midsection. Pilates also improves posture, alignment, and spinal mobility, helping you stand taller, move more efficiently, and reduce the risk of back pain and injury.

Boat Pose

If you're a fan of yoga, you'll love the boat pose for targeting that stubborn menopause belly fat. This challenging posture not only strengthens your core but also helps you find balance and stability both on and off the mat. 

This pose is perfect for toning your menopause belly while also improving your overall posture and spinal alignment. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just dipping your toes into the world of yoga, boat pose is a must-try for women over 50 looking to sculpt their midsection and feel more centered in their bodies.

If you're new to boat pose or have limited flexibility or strength in your core, don't worry – there are plenty of modifications and variations to suit your needs. For beginners, you can start by keeping your knees bent and your hands lightly resting on the backs of your thighs for support. 

As you build strength and confidence, you can gradually straighten your legs and lift your arms overhead to challenge your balance and stability further. And for those looking to take boat pose to the next level, you can experiment with different variations, such as adding a twist or lifting one leg at a time, to intensify the core workout and target different muscle groups.

Tai Chi

Tai chi, often referred to as "meditation in motion" is an ancient Chinese martial art that combines slow, flowing movements with deep breathing and mindfulness, making it an ideal exercise for those who want a low-impact workout that still delivers powerful results. 

Tai chi not only enhances balance and flexibility but also promotes inner calm and mental clarity, providing a holistic solution for women over 50 looking to stay active during menopause. Since it can help with mood swings and other menopause symptoms, making it one of the best exercises to lose belly fat during menopause.

While there are various tai chi forms, many of the movements incorporate gentle twists, shifts, and rotations that engage the core muscles and stimulate fat burning. 

With regular practice, you'll not only strengthen your core and shed unwanted belly fat but also cultivate a deep sense of inner harmony and well-being that will support you through all of life's ups and downs. 

Seated March

Who says you need to stand up to get a great ab workout? With the seated march, you can tone your menopause belly without ever leaving your chair. 

To perform the seated march, start by sitting tall in a sturdy chair with your feet flat on the floor. Then, lift one knee towards your chest while keeping your core engaged and your back straight. Alternate legs in a marching motion, focusing on engaging your abdominal muscles with each lift.

Once you’ve mastered that move, start making things more challenging by holding onto dumbbells or resistance bands. 

You can also increase the pace of your marching motion to elevate your heart rate and burn more calories. Extend your arms straight out in front of you and pump them in rhythm with your leg movements for an added upper body workout.

Incorporate the seated march into your daily routine to strengthen your core, improve hip mobility, and melt away any menopause weight gain. With its simplicity and effectiveness, this seated exercise is perfect for sneaking in a quick ab workout anytime, anywhere.

Seated Chop

So, you've mastered the seated march and are ready to level up your seated workout game? Enter the seated chop – a dynamic exercise that targets not only your obliques but your entire core.  

Sit tall on a chair or bench with your feet flat on the floor, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and core engaged. Hold a weight or resistance band with both hands, arms extended straight out in front of you at shoulder height. 

Inhale deeply, then exhale as you twist your torso to one side, bringing the weight or resistance band down diagonally across your body towards your hip. Keep your core tight and your back straight throughout the movement to avoid straining your lower back. 

Inhale as you return to the starting position, then repeat on the other side to complete one rep. This motion engages your abdominal muscles, particularly the obliques, helping to trim and tone your waistline.

Looking to switch things up and target different areas of your core? Try these variations of the seated chop:

  • High to Low Chop: Instead of bringing the weight diagonally across your body towards your hip, bring it down towards your opposite knee for a deeper oblique burn.

  • Low to High Chop: Start with the weight or resistance band at hip level and bring it up diagonally across your body towards your opposite shoulder to engage your upper abs.

  • Single-Arm Seated Chop: Hold the weight or resistance band with just one hand and perform the chop motion on one side at a time to isolate and strengthen each side of your core individually.

Incorporating these variations into your seated chop routine can help you target different areas of your core for a more balanced and effective workout. 

There you have it ladies! These six fat-burning workouts will not only help you stay physically active and build muscle mass, they’ll also help you lose belly fat during menopause. 

Whether you prefer jumping rope, pilates, yoga, tai chi, or seated exercises, there's something for everyone. So give them a try and see which ones work best for you. With dedication and consistency, you'll be saying goodbye to menopause belly and hello to a stronger, fitter you in no time!

Anna McGee

Women over 50 often feel overwhelmed and confused by their changing health and fitness needs.

My Built to Last Coaching Program will give you the tools and support you need to make lasting changes, leaving you feeling balanced and in control of your health and fitness.


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